Wednesday, March 14, 2012

The Sweet Aroma of Grace

The walk in any person's life is just like the game of golf. It requires patience, skills, determination, and it is an experience with a wide variety of human and non human elements. For some odd reason today I have been experincing a sweet aroma of Jesus Christ. It is an aroma that is powerful than any stronghold. I did not win the lottery, or cash in a huge stock profit. But if you saw the smile that I had on my face while watching this random documentary on golf, you thought something huge would of happend.

I honestly can not describe it, well I can through pointing to God's scriptures, and all of the miracles that he has point into my heart. Some people measure sucess by the checks in their box for life. But I measure my sucess in life by the overflowing joy of Jesus Christ. I measure it by feeling the love and power of Jesus Christ that first rescue me from the deepest dark waters. My passion is to show as many people as I can its power and intimacy. Imagine a husband or wife giving you that perfect intimacy. Everytime unconditionally. That is what the power and love of Jesus Christ is like. It is audacious it is moving it is everlasting. It is far as the eyes can see from the east to the west.

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