Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Things have started to pick up lately in the past couple days with the semester coming to an end. I had the most amazing Easter ever. Even though I worked I spent the day reflecting on the past present and future. The past on what walking with Jesus has done with my life in the past couple of months. I have met some amazing people and experienced some great things I would of never known if I didn't surrender my life to him. Some of those moments have been.....

1. Learning about the 2.4 billion folks who have never heard the Gospel then being just bombarded with amazing mission opportunities. Egypt or Nigeria here I come 2011
2. Participating in a middle/high school small group following a youth service.....i had never been so moved or impacted by what these kids struggle with. I pray for them everyday that they will walk with Jesus. I know I had to be brought to me low to finally surrender it all, I hope these kids don't have to go to through the same battle I went through. It is honestly not worth it

I cannot tell you what will happen tomorrow or who I will meet, but I am so thankful for what I have now. At dinner with my family Sunday I realized that God has blessed me with the best mom dad grandmother aunts and uncles I could ask for. There is one gentleman who I have always admired.I honestly wish he was still here.I know that he is in heaven telling me "Eric keep up the good work but there is still much to be done." He is my grandfather Adolf Hartschlag. From what I remember and learned about him he was one of those "true gentleman who above all else walked in the light of God".

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