Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Honestly today was a bit tough for me. I have lost 4 pounds during the fast. For someone who weighs only around 125 that is a lot my friend. I have lost energy and can not get through the day sometimes because of what I am fasting for. But I continue to fast because God has performed so many miracles in my life. He has done so much it would take me a whole new blog to detail. But do not worry when I get to heaven, I will be able to thank Jesus Christ and others for being so inspiring. Heaven looks different to all of us, but honestly when I think of heaven I think of peace. "Peace be with you and also with you is a common phrase that many of us will not only be saying but meaning once we get there"

I will also see my grandfather Adolf Hartschlag. Growing up as a young person I truly admired him for being one tough guy. I mean he was a Marine lost a leg, had sweet stuff you can get from those old school Sears catalogs. He even kept a shotgun and ammo boxes in his hold truck. But the more I find out about him through my mom and grandmother about how he kept God at the center of everything I admire him. I admire him for keeping God especially at the center of my grandparents marriage. I pray that me and my future wife can do the same thing. I pray that no matter what we turn to God for everything. I want to be not a guy but a man of God who fights his battles with love humble and kindness. Because being a egotistic prideful guy has gotten me NO WHERE in life accept almost dropping out of college and spending a night in jail. So from here till I reach the gates of my grandfather and other brothers in Jesus Christ.....I will love God with all my heart.

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