Monday, March 22, 2010

O Come Emanuel

Right now at this stage in my life at this moment and this point in time, I have never felt so comfortable of where I am now and where I am headed. Through trial and tribulation I have come to trust the Lord with everything. I know for a fact that sitting right now writing this with the word by my side and candles lit, that he is next to me. I know for a fact when I sleep the enemy will try to get into my head. But a pure mind and spirit that is compassionate and on fire for Jesus Christ can win any battle.

I am just amazed by his awesomeness by his detail and caring. If only folks knew. Well my brothers and sisters if you would just let me share the amazing life of Jesus Christ and guys like Paul and Timothy. For example Jesus Christ left his family, traveled around the world, preaching the Gospel and good news. Was persecuted but did not give in. Continued to heal the hopeless and sick. And then was crucified. I could not imagine any other man in the world to live a life like this. His stories are inspiring and captivating Jesus and his disciples are the "true gentlemen". They are true gentleman.....because they above all else walk in the light of God.

Nearly 2000 years later I wonder how I can play my part to achieve God's purpose. If tomorrow he asked me to fly to Africa India or even somewhere in the middle east to fight the good fight of faith I would. But you see in my city there are battles still to be fought. And I will be at the front lines.

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